The innovative potential of XDR

The innovative potential of XDR

Published by: Research Desk Released: Jul 24, 2024

XDR: Extended Detection and Response

It’s the acronym on many peoples’ lips, but like all relatively young technologies, not everybody knows exactly what it is or what it can do for their business. One thing’s for sure — XDR involves a strategic shift from reactivity to proactivity, because ‘wait and see’ doesn’t wash in cybersecurity. The smart money is on viewing XDR as a strategy rather than just a product. By integrating multiple tools and security applications, and monitoring data on endpoints, networks, clouds, web servers, mail servers and more, XDR does more to detect and eliminate threats while at the same time simplifying information security management by automating cross product interaction.

Your way to XDR – Revolutionize the way your IT security experts take control of complex incidents with Kaspersky Extended Detection and Response (XDR): a comprehensive defensive concept that equips, informs and guides your team in their fight against the most sophisticated and targeted cyberattacks. The XDR platform features a perfectly matched combination of industry-leading tech, elite threat intelligence, human expertise, training, and services, backed by the greatest minds in cybersecurity. Our holistic approach nurtures your team’s cybersecurity power over multi-dimensional threat discovery, effective investigations, proactive threat hunting, delivering a rapid, centralized response to the full spectrum of modern threats.

Download this whitepaper to learn more on how XDR can be a game changer for your organization.