
  • Generating insights from Edge data eliminates the costs and inefficiencies associated with transferring large volumes of data to a central data center or cloud.
  • Misusing the Edge can create new challenges, like controlling multiple vendors, integration concerns, and security issues.

Despite many enterprises being eager to integrate Edge initiatives into their operations, they are struggling with challenges like complexity, cost, security concerns, and lack of experience. Discover how your organization can optimize Edge computing to foster innovation.

Edge technology is transforming how enterprises drive innovation. As the gateway to a data-driven future, the Edge provides new solutions to already unsolved problems, furnishes seamless customer experiences, and creates immediate, critical value for businesses.

What is An Innovation at the Edge?

The Edge is where data is generated, such as a factory line, retail point of purchase, or healthcare lab. By securely processing data near its source, the Edge delivers real-time insights, streamlining processes and enhancing potential. Today, Edge solutions are fostering advancements in healthcare, personalized shopping, smart cities, and more.

As per Vanson Bourne’s study, 80% of organizations say they will be having Edge deployments in the trial phase within two years, up from the present 60%.

As Edge computing is gaining popularity, many enterprises worry about lagging. The same study found that 97% of operations and IT leaders believe their organizations would suffer if they didn’t adopt Edge technologies.

Nevertheless, issues like complexity, cost, security, and lack of expertise can hamper Edge implementation.

5 Sophisticated Ways to Boost Innovation at the Edge

Selecting the right Edge solution can tackle concerns and uncover growth. Here are five ways enterprises can uncover Edge technology to foster innovation today:

  1. Adopt new technologies

Employing Edge technologies for different use cases empowers organizations to gain data-driven advantages, such as:

  • Improved quality and safety
  • Lowered downtime
  • Boosted efficiency

As per Dell’s ‘The Breakthrough Study,’ 71% of those strongly employing technological innovation expect that their data insights will boost their entrepreneurial skills and boost their capability to spot opportunities.

To leverage these technologies effectively, it’s essential to partner with a company that has

expertise in Operational Technology (OT) and a track record of ongoing innovation. Such a partner can not only manage the complexities of integrating new technologies but also maintain the security of your Edge infrastructure.

  1. Harness Edge data to generate new value

Efficiently utilizing data is necessary for any business. Data alone holds no core value; its value comes from how you use it and how speedily you act.

The major value of data is now that it is created at the Edge. Insights gained almost instantly from this data are significantly valuable, but their value decreases quickly over time; frequently, the greatest advantages are obtained by acting within seconds or less.

As per Dell’s ‘The Breakthrough Study,’ 61% of respondents consider competitors will get an Edge by exploring data insights.

Producing insights from Edge data eradicates the cost and inefficiency of carrying large volumes to a central data center or cloud. It also increases the worth of your data. It empowers you to:

  • Facilitate change
  • Increase agility
  • Enable future advancements
  • Reduce expenses
  • Improve customer satisfaction
  1. Industry data utilization preferences

The advantages of collecting data at the Edge can be complex and vary by industry.

20% of respondents in businesses view user data (e.g., behavioral data) as the most valuable, as per Vanson Bourne’s study.

By strongly examining your business concerns and aims, you can pinpoint how Edge computing can boost the value of your data.

With over 150 Edge computing use cases recognized by IDC across various industries, there are various direct ways your enterprise can make use of Edge data to foster transformation and drive Edge innovation.

  1. Resolve standard challenges at the Edge

Employing new technology always comes with its various issues, and businesses need to be ready to tackle them.

As smart devices and the data they generate are constantly growing, enterprises need to take decisive action to make their infrastructure secure, scalable, and effective.

For businesses already engaged in digital transformation or modernization, adopting Edge technology is a natural step. Integrating Edge deployment into your organization’s use cases can showcase benefits that appeal to decision-makers. It’s also important to address potential security concerns upfront.

  • Incorporate Edge technology into modernization plans

Many businesses find it challenging to define the specific problems that Edge data can solve and measure its ROI. As a result, decision-makers often prefer established technologies with proven benefits and returns.

However, companies piloting Edge technologies recognize that not adopting these solutions could lead to less effective data use, increased operational costs, and falling behind competitors. Clearly defining these metrics and scenarios early on is crucial.

Organizations that effectively demonstrate the advantages of Edge technology are more likely to advance in their modernization journey.

  • Embrace emerging technologies

New technologies open exciting possibilities for innovation. Whether it’s smart buildings that adapt to user needs, VR and AR applications that enhance retail experiences, or remote employee training, the Edge is a fertile ground for groundbreaking, transformative solutions.

Organizations that adopt these emerging technologies early are likely to reap the greatest benefits.

  • Choose a simplified Edge solution provider

Relying on multiple vendors can increase security risks. Selecting a provider with a comprehensive ecosystem of technology and support ensures modern security. By overcoming Edge challenges, businesses can achieve better data usage, lower costs, and stay competitive, freeing up resources for innovation.

  1. Simplify your Edges

Employing the Edge wrongly can highlight new challenges, like collaborating with multiple vendors, integration issues, and security concerns. Without a focused strategy, organizations risk hindering their growth.

Issue 1: Lack of internal skills to build or operate the Edge can be a significant challenge for many decision-makers.

Solution: Organizations should invest in key skill sets—such as AI, cybersecurity, and automation—to fully utilize their Edge infrastructure. A trusted Edge partner can help develop a comprehensive strategy and address any internal gaps.

Issue 2: Fragmented Edge solutions and partners can hinder modernization and create silos, reducing progress and productivity.

Solution: A simplified Edge solution addresses key issues like speed, scale, and security—partner with a provider who understands your challenges and offers a tailored ecosystem to meet your needs.

Issue 3: Conflicting IT/OT priorities can reduce efficiency, increase frustration, and stall progress.

Solution: Align IT and OT priorities. IT seeks rapid innovation, while OT focuses on reliable operations. Improved skillsets, team integration, and better communication can reduce friction and operational silos, fostering collaboration and innovation.


To optimize your Edge and lead in innovation, select a partner with an extensive ecosystem of capabilities and partnerships.

They should assist you in unveiling the ideal mix of growing and established technologies across your business to increase value from your Edge.

Finally, the right partner will help you create efficient, secure, and effective Edge infrastructure with customized hardware, software, and services to tackle challenges, gain industry-specific outcomes, and streamline your Edge.

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